Careers At Naraiuran

Right resource at right time at right place is the objective for Recruitment at NCIPL. Our Resources are good in Attitude and more reliable. We provide them Job Security, Career Development by giving more opportunities to explore their talent and training to enhance their performance.

Right resource at right time at right place is the objective for Recruitment at NCIPL. Our Resources are good in Attitude and more reliable. We provide them Job Security, Career Development by giving more opportunities to explore their talent and training to enhance their performance.

Work Culture

Work culture plays an important role in extracting the best out of employees and making them stick to the organization for a longer duration. Work Culture at NCIPL is a Family environment where employees are called and treated as Family Members. We desire to improve the quality of work life for Family Members and enhance the effectiveness of the organization.

We believe that Family Member Involvement in activities be initiated and sponsored jointly by the Company. The purpose of such activity is to encourage greater Family Member participation in the conditions of the working environment, so that the jobs are made more satisfying and organizational performance and service quality are improved. We provide Family Members with an Open door Policy, professional Infrastructure, Opportunities to explore their talent and improve their career development, Quality in work, Acceptance of ideas and suggestions, Team Work, Decision Making and fun at work place.

Fun At Workplace

People who are happy are less likely to be absent. They’re also likely to be more productive, to care about the work they do, and to come up with creative solutions whenever problems arise. Being happy at work, boosts also morale and reduces stress. Here at NCIPL, we make our people feel happy and energized by conducting monthly activities like Games, Birthday Party, Festival Celebration, Anniversary Celebration, Sports Day etc. Fun Activities not only make them feel happy but also make our organization grow by making them realize about Team Work, Time Management, Creativity etc.,

Current Openings

We provide Job opportunities for various qualification like Diploma (EEE, EIE, ECE, IT), BE (EEE, EIE, ECE, IT), B. Tech,, BSC (CS), BCA, CA/ICWA, MBA etc., We have opportunities in different categories like Sales, Finance & Accounts, Billing, HR, Purchase & Inventory, Production, Service & Execution, System Administration, Development, Testing. Opportunities are wide at NC Group. We value Best Performance and recognize the same on time. We conduct Trainings, Knowledge Sharing, Team building activities, Games frequently to enhance skills and gain fun. We select candidates, who have passion to work and achieve the target (Task) with relevant past experience, skill set and with right attitude. If you match our requirements, below are the current openings.

Kindly send your resume to

If you do not find a current position suitable to your profile, still you can send your resume. We shall get back to you as soon as another similar opportunity opens up.