Smart Foundry Automation

SMART manufacturing leverages information with seamless communication from bottom to top and works together in the most efficient manner to achieve the customer’s requirements.

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Casting is one of the most important and major processes of manufacturing industry. Pouring molten metal into mould and getting out exact shape of the article or component in all through manufacturing process involves challenges of safety hazards to human beings, especially when hot metal and alloys are handled and also produce some environmental problems.
Casting is used to produce an average of about

  • Machine building consumes 70 % of all cast stock
  • Metallurgical industry consumes 20 %
  • Sanitary engineering Consumes 10 %

Factors contributing to harsh environment in foundry industries are Blistering temperatures, metallic dust, and molten materials.
Opportunities for mechanization and automation in the foundry industry increased significantly.
With technology, Foundry industry is now getting connected end – end.
For many years, the data pertaining to the composition of the melting material was entered manually into a PC, which made precise production planning and tracking and tracing difficult is not being fully automated with RFID creating relationship and making the tracking of the mould process easy.
Robotics automation to handle challenges of Dirt - Hot -Heavy – hazardous. It leads to high productivity, flexibility, consistency in quality, access in difficult areas and a relief from fatigue & health hazards.
These factors have also helped to keep foundries on the forward edge of the automation frontier.
Our expertise and our team ability to identify opportunities in the production give us the ability to deliver automation solutions meeting Industry 4.0.

Key Areas for Solution

  • Sand Molding Machine
  • Track Line Automation
  • Cooling Drum
  • Shoot Blasting Machine
  • Mono Rail system Integration
  • Continuous Mixer Process
  • Green Sand mixing and Molding


  • Prepared Sand Group
  • Return Sand Group
  • Mixer


Value Proposition

Gain Creator
  • Predicting changes & Responding in real time
  • Creating a digital link between operations & IT
  • Design System suiting industry 4.0
  • Higher volume production at Less employee cost
  • Less Human Involvement
  • production of precision job with repeatability
Pain Reliever
  • Intelligence integrated with system
  • Handling system which does multi task dealing hostile enviroment
  • Efficient monitoring of production
  • Receipt management with real time monitoring system.
  • High labor cost. High volume production
  • Stringent environmental laws, Globally competitive price
  • Acute shortage of workers & engineers willing to work in the foundries
  • Internationally acceptable quality , Aesthetic on surface finishing

  Introducing RFID & Robotic automation in manual process in each area to keep the phase of growth of production of our valuable customers is our growth  

Ravi shankar MD , Naraiuran group of companies.

Automation & Drive Systems

Material Handling with Robotics

RFID for Tractability & Tracking solutions

Robotic for fettling & molten metal handling

Pick & Place

OEE(Over all Equipment efficiency) / Andon System

LV Panels / IMCC panels

Re engineering / Retrofitting of Plant or machines

Control System Design

Concept Development and Design

Spare Parts

Telephone Support

On Site Support

Start-Up Support

Software Development

System Documentation

Technical Support

Existing Equipment-modifications and upgrades